About - SaddleRock Photography

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I never knew what I was getting myself into that day I decided to buy my first entry level DSLR.  Little did I know how exciting and complicated this was going to be.  I was thinking point and shoot.  Now I know that this is not the case at all. 
The more I shoot, the less I shoot.  Ok, here is how that works.  When I first grabbed a camera I would shoot, shoot and shoot.  Collecting lots of photos without giving a lot of thought to the shot.  Sometimes I would get a nice pic and think I was getting better. 

But something happened.  A friend/photographer introduced me to KelbyOne and the classes they have.  That starting a never ending quest to learn more and more about photography.  Needless to say I have become much more intentional about the shots I take. 
Sometimes I will grab the camera as I go for walk in the park and not take any shots at all.  So, it might be intentional or.....it could be a function of post processing time with Lightroom and Photoshop cuz, that takes time.

So, what about that name SaddleRock??  Many years ago our family took a hike in the Eastern Sierras.  If you have not been there, you need to go.  At the end of a very long hike was a lake called SaddleRock Lake.  It was a beautiful site to walk up to.  I always remembered that hike.  Anyways, years later we were opening an insurance company to compliment the mortgage company we owned.  We struggled trying to figure out the name.  And then one day it came to me.  SaddleRock Insurance.  Well when we sold the mortgage company the insurance went away.  Venturing into the house-flipping business we needed a name.  So, SaddleRock Investment, Inc. was born.  Later when we opened our own Reverse Mortgage company the only logical choice was....SaddleRock Reverse Mortgage.  And then came photography so only one name would do: SaddleRock Photography.  And now you know the story behind SaddleRock.

Anyways, enjoy the website, the photos and the stories that go with some of them. Purchase all you want and share the site with your friends.

Any comments, please leave them. Any questions, please contact me.

Take care...Rory

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